Whistleblowing Statement

We have committed ourselves to conducting business in accordance with the highest moral and legal standards, and we want every employee to work in an environment that is open, honest, and secure. Whether it is perpetrated by a coworker, supplier, customer, rival, or contractor, we take all malpractice extremely seriously.

All workers, both full-time and part-time, independent contractors, and third parties are covered by this statement. For the avoidance of confusion, statutory rights are not impaired in any way by this declaration; rather, it is meant to supplement statutory protection.

Colleagues and individuals who closely interact with any firm are frequently the first to notice that something doesn’t look quite right, but they may feel unable to voice their concerns for fear of appearing untrustworthy to their peers or the company. Additionally, they could fear that if they speak up, they will face victimization or harassment. In these situations, it might be simpler to dismiss the worry than to disclose what might only be a suspicion of malpractice. In order to effectively address concerns or issues in the best interests of the company, its employees, shareholders, and other stakeholders, Retail Supermarkets Nigeria Limited is committed to operating our business in accordance with the highest ethical and legal standards as well as protecting and promoting coworkers’ and third parties’ right to speak up.

In accordance with those obligations, we anticipate that coworkers and anyone with whom we interact will voice any serious concerns they may have regarding any area of the Company’s operations. Since we are aware that the majority of cases are reported on a confidential basis, we maintain a “Whistleblowing Helpline” that is managed by a third-party, independent company. In situations where using the regular routes for escalation is not possible or suitable, this offers a secure, straightforward, and consistent alternative to voice concerns.

Our policy is that coworkers and others should be allowed to voice concerns in a private or anonymous manner. However, it must be understood that any inquiry procedure may identify the source of the information and that a statement may be requested as part of the evidence. Morrisons will try to protect the identity of anyone presenting a concern.

The Company is dedicated to making sure that everyone has the freedom to express their concerns in good faith without fear of retaliation, further discrimination, or disadvantage, even if those concerns turn out to be unfounded.